Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am the Iron Maiden!

I like the look and feel of fabric before its washed for most of my projects, and that the quilt does shrink just a little after it's quilted is, in my opinion, an improvement.  However, if I embroider on something that is not pre-shrunk, that could be bad news.  So I decided that I would just wash everything.  And I do mean all of it.  I have a bit of an inventory, so it took a few days.  Well, of course now it all needs ironed. I like to iron, but not his much or on a skinny little ironing board.  This is the fix!  I bought 2 yds. of insul-bright and 2 yds. of silver ironing board cover, serged the 2 pieces together, and boom, there you go.  The whole project took 5 minutes.  My kitchen table is an ironing board fit to lay out fabric at its full width with not nearly so much fighting and re-positioning.  When I'm done, I just fold it up and tuck it behind my alterations tote.
     If you want to do this, I rcommend making the ironing cover so that it hangs down over the edges a bit on at least the front and back of the , this will help keep the pad from shifting.  Mine doesn't shift too much and I think this is precisely why.  Now my wonderful Aunts have done this but they used a smaller pad and tacked it to a piece of OSB or particle board.  Then they slide it behind something when not in use.  This is also a good idea.  It depends solely on what works for you.  As for me, I LOVE my ironing pad!

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