Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to Isaac! 

Today is going to be like this weekend I suppose. And I guess that means not that differednt for me.  After getting the kids up and getting us all out the door, the boys to school and my daughter and I to religion, my day starts to take off.  First its to church for Friday Mass which is part of the normal week for the religion kids and their teachers.  A quick hop over to lend a hand getting a heavy box into the Sacresty, and then home for just long enough to change clothes, a quick conversation with my husband about getting the doors for the laundry room picked up, and tthen off to work to clean someone else's house till 3 or so.   

My husband is making supper so I don't have to worry about that, and I already made the cake Isaac wanted for his 14th birthday.  None at all, he wanted pie.  He and I went down into the basement last night and he selected peach, black raspberry, and apple.  I have to make 3 anymore if we want to have any the next day.  Sure enough, when I got home from work, the apple was gone, the only evidence that it had ever been was an empty plate with crumbs.  I'm not entirely sure it hadn't been licked. 

At 14, we don't do just too much for the birthdays anymore since all they usually want to do is sit in front of the tube and play on the Playstation because they usually get at least one game.  Not real exciting lives those boys lead.  If I want to "bond", I need to park myself on the couch and watch them play games and ask questions like I'm interested.  That done, I am next going to my sewing room and getting down to business for a while.  Hopefully my husband will be home soon to start supper and have some good news on our doors when he gets here. 

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